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On September 28, Ways Electronics Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation "Ways Electronics", stock code "605218") was officially listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. On the morning of the same day, Ways Electronics opened at 10.97 yuan per share, and soon rose by 44....2020-09-2809-282020
An ipads, a phones, a breakthrough network communication device... It's not 3 separate devices, we're going to call it the iphoness. "In 2007, at the Moscone Exhibition Center in San Francisco, Steve Jobs used a brief introduction to open the door for hundreds of millions of consumers...2019-11-2111-212019
According to the "Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance for Completion of Construction Projects" and "Technical Guidelines for Environmental Protection Acceptance for Completion of Construction Projects, Pollution Impact Category", the environmental protection acceptance report for the first phase of the Phase II expansion project of Weishi Electronics Co., Ltd. is now publicized as follows.. .2019-10-0710-072019
According to the "Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance for Completion of Construction Projects" and "Technical Guidelines for Environmental Protection Acceptance for Completion of Construction Projects, Pollution Impact Category", the environmental protection acceptance report for the newly added SMT and TP production process projects of Ways Electronics Co., Ltd. is now publicized.. .2019-10-0710-072019
Ways Electronics Co., Ltd. plans to IPO and list RMB common shares. It is currently receiving guidance from Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd., and has completed guidance and registration with the Jiangsu Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. According to the China Securities Regulatory...2018-10-1710-172018